Our demonstration site incorporates several management programs including organic lawn care, popular 4 step granular programs as well as a site-specific integrated pest management approach. We include cost per acre of various programs for homeowners to understand the economics of managing weeds on multi-acre lawn sites.
We demonstrate application technologies available to homeowners to apply weed control chemicals including advantages and disadvantages of various approaches [dry granular products vs. spray products] along with the investment dollars required. We review the cost of purchasing garden center weed control products; educating the audience on substantial cost differentials of similar products.
Weed invasions into turfgrass can be significantly reduced by maintaining dense stands of turfgrass. Turfgrass species should be adapted to the site to be maintained in a dense, vigorous condition. Managing turfgrass inappropriately, such as scalping, provides openings for weed invasion resulting in degradation of the turfgrass stand. Severe drought can allow weeds to invade through the thinning stand of turfgrass. Tall fescue is more drought tolerant than perennial ryegrass; after a drought, weeds were more invasive in perennial ryegrass.
Weed invasions into turfgrass can be significantly reduced by maintaining dense stands of turfgrass. Turfgrass species should be adapted to the site to be maintained in a dense, vigorous condition. Managing turfgrass inappropriately, such as scalping, provides openings for weed invasion resulting in degradation of the turfgrass stand. Severe drought can allow weeds to invade through the thinning stand of turfgrass. Tall fescue is more drought tolerant than perennial ryegrass; after a drought, weeds were more invasive in perennial ryegrass.